Ruki Renov, author of the immensely popular The Art of the Date, is back with more wise and witty advice for married couples: To keep your marriage strong, whenever you are wrong, admit it. When you are right, keep your mouth shut. She offers sage advice for men, such as: Never argue with a woman when she’s tired…or when she’s rested. She gives fine advice for women, such as: A woman never appears more intelligent to a man than when she is listening to him.
The Art of Marriage provides the research and techniques of today’s most renowned marriage therapists as well as inspiring Torah thoughts, all put together in a format that is highly entertaining, insightful, and designed to help you improve your marriage.
It will teach you that all marriages are happy. It’s the living together afterward that’s rough! It will teach you how to choose the right spouse and how to build a strong and loving marriage. It will teach you about having children: If your parents didn’t have any children, there’s a good chance that you won’t either. It will teach you about finances: A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. It will teach you all about in-laws: The difference between in-laws and outlaws is that outlaws are wanted!
It will teach you how to communicate, strengthen your self-esteem, set boundaries, appreciate each other, grow together, and build an authentic Jewish home. Finally, this book will teach you that love is an unusual game in which there are either two winners or no winners.