The Yom Kippur Book, Better Than Before brings to life the story behind the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Beautiful, carefully designed illustrations elucidate otherwise complex subjects, allowing readers to better grasp the forgiveness of Yom Kippur in a visual way. The Yom Kippur story goes back in time to the birth of the Jewish Nation and the Giving of the Torah. Trouble began when the new nation thought their leader Moshe was gone. They were quickly convinced that worshiping a golden calf would keep them safe in the desert. They forgot what they had just heard at Har Sinai: not to worship anything besides Hashem. Moshe’s shocking action upon his return helped them realize their terrible mistake. But was it already too late to save the Jewish People? This captivating book retells how Moshe and the Jewish Nation were able to turn things around. Their sincere efforts to return to Hashem gave us the holiday of Yom Kippur forever, and the power to always make our connection to the One Above even better than before! This story is followed by a 25-page supplement, “How To Celebrate” which sheds light on the laws and customs of the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Thoughtful illustrations clarify details of how to prepare for and observe this momentous day. Discover the meaning behind our traditions and enhance the way you celebrate Yom Kippur. The book Includes an illustrated timeline of the events leading up to the event that gave us the holiday of Yom Kippur. Bright, realistic illustrations will fascinate young hearts and minds to the very last page. Both educational and captivating, this truly is a unique Yom Kippur book. Read it, love it, and share it!